Purchasing and Accounts Payable Updates
Request for Comments: Change to PO-Based Invoice Approval Levels
Effective November 1, 2022 (proposed date) the decentralized invoice approval limit for all PO-based (non-Blanket) Invoices will increase to $5,000 (currently $2,000). There is no change to the notification and approval process currently in place. If the items have not been "received" in eVA, Accounts Payable will contact the Unit approver(s) to ensure the correct items were delivered in the agreed-upon quantify and price. The Unit approver(s) has five (5) days to dispute the Invoice. If no response is received the Invoice will be paid.
Please use the Survey Link to provide comments or feedback on this change.
Now Available: Authorized Approver Lookup Tool
Authorized approvers are identified by their position within the unit and assigned approval responsibilities by the Chief Business Officer, Academic Finance Lead, or Banner Finance Liaisons. For documents submitted in Ellucian Workflow and charged to a Sponsored program, the approver will be the PIs/Co-PIs listed on the award records in Banner.
Honorarium Payment Update
We have updated the Honorarium payment instructions. Highlighted changes include that eVA entry is no longer required for Honoraria over $2,000, suggested ranges based on university averages have been included, and Honoraria in excess of $2,000 should receive advance approval.
An honorarium may include consideration for travel expenses. Honorariums that exceed $2,000 should be first reviewed with your unit’s Chief Business Officer and/or the Purchasing Department (purch1@gmu.edu) prior to making any commitments to a recipient. Honoraria payments are exempt from eVA procurement and may be processed through Accounts Payable with the Honorarium Payment Request. The form and website will be updated shortly.
UPDATED Training Now Available
"Purchasing Made Easy -- Access-Based Training"
The eVA portion of the “Purchasing Made Easy – Access Based Training,” has been updated and is available for review (even if you previously completed the course). Details and registration are available in MasonLEAPS. For more information please visit: https://fiscal.gmu.edu/training/
Use eVA Webpage for eVA Transition Info
The New eVA platform will launch on November 1. As a reminder, the current eVA system will go offline at 5 p.m. on October 26. The New eVA platform should be available for campus purchasers around November 7. Users will not have access to eVA between October 26 and November 7 (tentative date). We will send an email to all users as soon as we have verified a successful transition. Please review the complete timeline, training resources, and the eVA Interface Demo located on the eVA Purchasing webpage. Please direct all eVA inquiries to evaadmin@gmu.edu.
Opportunities to Connect
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Fiscal Services Virtual Walk-ins
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