Fiscal Support and Connections Network
Fiscal Announcements and Reminders
Update: October and November Reconciliation
The 11/1 semi-monthly payroll was posted to October in error. When we made the change to correct the error, the JV corrected the financials at a summary level, but it did not correct the payroll data at the detail level. At this time, all corrections have been posted. When you review your labor reports, you should review October and November together to eliminate any issues between the months.
December FSCN Meeting - Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 1:00-2:00PM
Please note that our December FSCN meeting will be taking place a week earlier than usual due to winter break. Our meeting, taking place on December 12, 2023, will cover Mobile IDs (from our friends at the Card Office) and Shop Mason, as well as a Journal Voucher demo.
Fall 2023 Fiscal Transformation Boot Camp Evaluation Survey
Thank you to all involved for a very successful event! All attendees will receive an email shortly with a Boot Camp evaluation survey. Please complete this evaluation by close of business, Thursday, November 30, 2023: https://gmu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1yRNkoY4NaMk7wq. As we begin planning for future boot camp events, your feedback will be very important in assuring we are meeting your needs and expectations.
2023 Calendar Year-End (CY23)
The university will be closed for winter break starting December 16, 2023. Departments should be making appropriate arrangements for purchases and payments that must be completed before the end of the calendar Year (CY).
To ensure these are completed timely (including order, delivery, and/or payment), please adhere to the following guidelines:
Order Goods and Services:
- To order goods and/or services through eVA in CY23 (above $5k), requisitions must be submitted and fully approved through their departmental workflow no later than Wednesday, December 6, 2023*.
Pay for Goods and Services:
- To pay for goods and/or services in CY23, the goods must have been delivered, all services must have been rendered, and the invoice(s) must be received by Accounts Payable (acctpay@gmu.edu) no later than Monday, December 4, 2023*.
Purchasing Apple Products Update
The Commonwealth continues to work with Apple on its e-commerce requirements which has directly impacted many Virginia schools, including Mason. Until this issue is fully resolved, Apple will not accept Pcard Orders (PCO) through eVA. All Mason buyers should either procure products using a Purchase Order via eVA, directly from Apple (Contract VA-150605-APPL and eVA #E20862) or use the alternate providers listed below. Departments may contact Purchasing at purch1@gmu.edu if additional assistance is needed.
The following sources are alternate vendors where Apple products may be purchased:
Patriot Tech (Barnes and Noble, eVA #VS0000038907)
Steve Spring, Executive Account Manager
Log Into Your eVA Account
Individuals who have not logged into their eVA accounts (users and approvers) in the last 90 days will have their accounts deactivated from the system. eVA will automatically deactivate your account and you will have to go through the process of filling out the, "eVA Access Request" form to regain access.
Fiscal Services Hands-On Sessions!
Fiscal Services is excited to share our newest "Learning and Engagement" initiative - our "Fiscal Services Hands-On Sessions" will be an addition to the existing training opportunities. These hybrid sessions will provide a chance to get hands-on experience through simulated fiscal scenarios. The next session is on Thursday, December 7th from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. Sign up here: https://fiscal.gmu.edu/event/hands-on-with-fiscal-systems/
Fiscal Services Walk-in hours
Wednesday Walk-In Support is designed for one-on-one virtual or in-person assistance with a particular question or topic and is not a substitute for Fiscal Training requirements.
Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate - Register Today! We still have space available for all 2023 sessions! Join your colleagues and get a jump start on your professional development by registering today. The Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate provides a closer look at Fiscal policies, procedures, and financial systems while introducing you to other Finance functions such as budget and forecasting. And starting in February, the George Mason University Foundation will be joining us as guest presenters. This ever-evolving program is the first step to becoming a professional in Fiscal Administration at Mason. To learn more and register for an upcoming session visit https://fiscal.gmu.edu/event/mason-fiscal-administration-certificate-mfac-program/.
Opportunities to Connect
Join FSCN Community of Practice:
Fiscal Learning and Engagement Roadshow
Is your office or unit interested in having the Fiscal Learning and Engagement Team meet with your group as a stop along our "Roadshow"? If so, please e-mail fscomm@gmu.edu.
Training and Engagement
Fiscal Services Virtual Walk-ins
Check the Calendar for upcoming meetings and events!