
Join us: July 18, 2023 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Meeting Information:
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only): +1 571-397-2084,,506407423#
Phone Conference ID: 506 407 423#
1. P-Card and GMUF in MFG
2. Learning and Engagement Opportunities
3. Open Discussion

Fiscal Announcements and Reminders

P-Card in Mason Finance Gateway

The transition from Bank of America Works to the Mason Finance Gateway for P-Card allocations and approvals will go into effect starting Monday, July 17.
  • All transactions posted prior to, and including the July statement period (June 16 - July 15) will STILL be allocated and approved in Bank of America Works.
Transactions with a posting date of July 17 (the beginning of the August billing cycle) and all future statement periods, will be allocated and approved through the Mason Finance Gateway.

Invoice implementation to Mason Finance Gateway

To encourage increased efficiency and automation within a familiar platform, the Accounts Payable team is excited to share the future implementation of the Invoice application in Mason Finance Gateway! More info coming soon!

Fiscal Services Hands-On Sessions!

Starting this August - Fiscal Services is excited to share our newest "Learning and Engagement" initiative - our "Fiscal Services Hands-On Sessions" will be an addition to the existing training opportunities. These sessions will provide a chance to get hands-on experience through simulated fiscal scenarios. These exercises will provide members of the Mason community the ability to practice and hone their fiscal skills and knowledge! More info coming soon!!

Fiscal Services Walk-in hours

Wednesday Walk-In Support is designed for one-on-one virtual or in-person assistance with a particular question or topic and is not a substitute for Fiscal Training requirements.
Walk-in hours are currently ONLY available on Wednesdays, 1:00 – 4:00 pm via MS Teams.
Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate - Register Today!
We still have space available for all 2023 sessions! Join your colleagues and get a jump start on your professional development by registering today. The Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate provides a closer look at Fiscal policies, procedures, and financial systems while introducing you to other Finance functions such as budget and forecasting. And starting in February, the George Mason University Foundation will be joining us as guest presenters. This ever-evolving program is the first step to becoming a professional in Fiscal Administration at Mason. To learn more and register for an upcoming session visit

Opportunities to Connect

Join FSCN Community of Practice:

Click here to join the conversation! FSCN Team-GRP.

Fiscal Learning and Engagement Roadshow

Is your office or unit interested in having the Fiscal Learning and Engagement Team meet with your group as a stop along our "Roadshow"? If so, please e-mail

Training and Engagement

To learn more about training opportunities, please visit

Fiscal Services Virtual Walk-ins

Wednesday Walk-Ins 1:00 - 4:00. Click, here to SCHEDULE ONLINE, NOW!!

Check the Calendar for upcoming meetings and events!

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