
Join us: September 19, 2023 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Meeting Information:
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only): +1 571-397-2084,,506407423#
Phone Conference ID: 506 407 423#
1. October Meeting (EPAF Demo)
2. Community Engagement
3. Open Discussion

Fiscal Announcements and Reminders

Mason Finance Gateway Allocations

Upon review of your Bank of America P-Card transactions for the August statement (transactions posted prior to August 15) we find that most people still need to take the required action and sign off on transactions in the Mason Finance Gateway (MFG). Please note these were required to be allocated prior to the last business day of August and are now considered past due. Although we gave a grace period due to the transition from Bank of America Works to the MFG and didn't suspend cards, it is important for us to be good stewards of University funds and post expenses in a timely manner. You can find these transactions in your e-wallet when you log into Mason Finance Gateway. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns about your P-Card and with any technical problems.

P-Card Material Updates

The P-Card Manual is now available on the Fiscal Services Website and is linked throughout, including (but not limited to), the Manuals and Training Material Page, here: This updated manual has important, detailed information related to the P-Card program at Mason, including the NEW P-Card allocation Quick Guide. It is always encouraged that you review the manual to assist with answering many of your basic questions and it is an excellent resource for policy, procedure, and University business practices for all who hold or approve Mason-issued P-Cards.

Additionally, the Purchasing Made Easy - Access-Based Training is now up-to-date to include the P-Card & MFG allocation process. and can be found in MasonLEAPS, here: Purchasing Made Easy - Access-Based Training - Please remember this training is REQUIRED for All individuals seeking access to eVA and those who wish to hold or approve P-Cards. If nothing else, you know it is always encouraged to retake this training as it will be a great refresher, reminder and will update your knowledge on the program and allocation/approval process.

Onboarding Fiscal Staff

New employees and current employees who are transitioning to more fiscal-focused roles should review the Fiscal Basics manual. We have outlined the required and recommended training by position, including the Purchasing Made Easy – Access-Based Training, along with helpful definitions and fiscal system information. We urge everyone to review the policy and procedure documents located on the webpage under Manuals and Training Materials. Forms are available on the webpage under Forms and Instructions. Everyone is welcome to join the Fiscal Support and Connections Network to discuss fiscal policies/procedures, give feedback, present new ideas for improvement, and gain knowledge from colleagues on common best practices.

All Mason employees (including GRA/GTAs) must complete the Mandatory Mason Finance Gateway (MFG) Basic Navigation Training, in MasonLEAPS, prior to accessing the system for p-card allocation, travel, and expense reimbursements. Please note, that access to MasonLEAPS and MFG will only become available once the individual is an active employee in Banner (their first day). After completion of the training, please allow 2 business days before creating/submitting expenses within Mason Finance Gateway. Training information, quick guides, and video resources for using the MFG are available at Reminder: Non-Mason individuals (candidates, guest speakers, no-pay affiliates) and Mason students do not have access to the MFG.

Mason Finance Gateway Reminders

Former Employee/Student and Non-Employee Reimbursements: All reimbursable expenses should be submitted and approved through the Mason Finance Gateway (MFG) prior to an employee’s final day of employment or prior to a student’s graduation and/or period of non-enrollment at Mason. Upon separation from Mason the former employee/student will need to submit a Vendor Maintenance Form to reactivate their G# as a “non-employee” in Banner and MFG, and work with their department to process any outstanding requests, on their behalf.

Reassigning and delegating approval: All transactions in MFG (p-card allocation, travel, and expense reimbursements) are required to be approved. However, at times an approver may find it more suitable to have a transaction reviewed by an additional party, in these moments the approver has the option to “reassign” transactions. The “reassign” option – when appropriate – allows an opportunity for proper review of transactions, and for a more meaningful understanding of university resources.

When necessary “Approver Delegates” can be appointed by the approver. This arrangement can only be made by the approver and should only be utilized when the approver plans to be on leave (vacation, sickness, etc.). This will ensure that documents continue in the approval flow and that employees receive reimbursement in a timely manner.
Travelers and Expense Delegates: When considering future professional development and business meetings, please be sure to consider all necessary Mason resources and information that may impact your travel plans. We encourage you to review the Travel Training – Travel Policy and Procedures in MasonLEAPS and be sure to check in with the appropriate offices.

Fiscal Services Walk-in hours

Wednesday Walk-In Support is designed for one-on-one virtual or in-person assistance with a particular question or topic and is not a substitute for Fiscal Training requirements.
Walk-in hours are currently ONLY available on Wednesdays, 1:00 – 4:00 pm via MS Teams.
Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate - Register Today!
We still have space available for all 2023 sessions! Join your colleagues and get a jump start on your professional development by registering today. The Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate provides a closer look at Fiscal policies, procedures, and financial systems while introducing you to other Finance functions such as budget and forecasting. And starting in February, the George Mason University Foundation will be joining us as guest presenters. This ever-evolving program is the first step to becoming a professional in Fiscal Administration at Mason. To learn more and register for an upcoming session visit

Fiscal Services Hands-On Sessions!

Fiscal Services is excited to share our newest "Learning and Engagement" initiative - our "Fiscal Services Hands-On Sessions" will be an addition to the existing training opportunities. These hybrid sessions will provide a chance to get hands-on experience through simulated fiscal scenarios. These exercises will provide members of the Mason community the ability to practice and hone their fiscal skills and knowledge! Sign up here:

Opportunities to Connect

Join FSCN Community of Practice:

Click here to join the conversation! FSCN Team-GRP.

Fiscal Learning and Engagement Roadshow

Is your office or unit interested in having the Fiscal Learning and Engagement Team meet with your group as a stop along our "Roadshow"? If so, please e-mail

Training and Engagement

To learn more about training opportunities, please visit

Fiscal Services Virtual Walk-ins

Wednesday Walk-Ins 1:00 - 4:00. Click, here to SCHEDULE ONLINE, NOW!!

Check the Calendar for upcoming meetings and events!

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