Fiscal Support and Connections Network
Join us: June 25, 2024 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Phone Conference ID: 506 407 423#
1. Delegate Functions in MFG
2. Fiscal Year-End Reminders
Fiscal Announcements and Reminders
Fiscal Year-End (FY24)
Mason’s Fiscal Year ends on June 30, 2024. Departments are encouraged to begin planning purchases and/or payments to ensure that supplies, equipment, and services paid from Educational and General (E&G) funds are delivered and paid for by the university’s fiscal year-end. Further adhering to the deposit payment dates and Journal Voucher processing will ensure transactions are recorded in FY24.
Purchasing Apple Products
The Commonwealth continues to work with Apple on its e-commerce requirements which has directly impacted many Virginia schools, including Mason. Until this issue is fully resolved, Apple will not accept Pcard Orders (PCO) through eVA. All Mason buyers should either procure products using a Purchase Order via eVA, directly from Apple (Contract VA-150605-APPL and eVA #E20862) or use the alternate providers listed below. Departments may contact Purchasing at purch1@gmu.edu if additional assistance is needed.
The following sources are alternate vendors where Apple products may be purchased:
Patriot Tech (Barnes and Noble, eVA #VS0000038907)
Contract: UVA-AGR-IT-00425
Mike Millea, Account Manager
MFG Additional Approver Feature
The Travel Office would like to announce an upcoming enhancement we are adding to the Mason Finance Gateway, beginning May 1st, 2024. Previously, approvers can could only reassign their approvals. This new functionality will be available for approvers to add one more approver and to include comments during the approval process. This can be done on the approval confirmation screen, where individuals will add the approver from the given list of names.
This does not impact or change how approvers are managed in MFG. This only applies to an expense report where an additional, individual approver will review a particular report. The Travel team will be adding this functionality to the approver guide.
Payment Request and Revenue Refund Request Form 2.0s
Payment Request and Revenue Refunds will be transitioning from the current version of the forms to being completed in Ellucian Workflow starting on July 1, 2024. The quick guides for both workflows are currently being edited to reflect this new process and will be available on July 1 as well. More updates will be provided as the go-live date approaches.
Amazon Business Single Sign On (SSO)
The Purchasing Department worked with Amazon Business to implement Single Sign On (SSO) with your Mason NetID to Mason’s centralized Amazon Business (AB) account. The URL to access AB will remain the same, but you will be redirected to Mason’s SSO page. Once authenticated, users will be brought into their Amazon Business account.
Nothing is changing with the registration process. New P-Card holders must email purch1@gmu.edu to be invited to Mason’s Central AB account. In your email request, please include your department name and/or college/school, and email address. Accounts can only be set up to employee NetID emails; generic or department email accounts will not be allowed. If your Mason AB account is setup to a generic or department email, you will not be able to access your account once SSO is activated. You must email purch1@gmu.edu to request an invitation to your employee NetID email.
New! Subscriptions Now Available for Reconciliation Reports
Fiscal Services, in partnership with the Business Intelligence Services (BIS) group, has provided MicroStrategy users the opportunity to create subscriptions for Reconciliation Organization and Fund Labor and DE Detail Reports. Information on how to create a subscription can be found in the MicroStrategy Subscription Guide. Users, subscribers, and recipients must have a solid foundation of the principles governing financial management at Mason and navigating MicroStrategy. Additional information and resources on reconciliation and financial management at Mason can be found on the Reconciling at Mason page of the Fiscal Services Website: https://fiscal.gmu.edu/controllers/reconciling/.
Cashier's Office Relocation
The Cashier’s Office has relocated into the Student Accounts Office suite in SUB 1, #1600. #1600 is located across from the Mason Student Services Center. The drop box for the Cashier’s Office is located in the niche near the entry/exit doors of the building. Campus maps and signage will be updated through the appropriate channels.
Journal Voucher Update
All Journal Vouchers (JVs) should be entered or submitted at least three business days before month end to allow for approval and posting. If a JV is submitted within three days of month end, please date the JV Transaction Date for the following month. If you have any questions about Journal Vouchers, please review this page on the Fiscal Services website: https://fiscal.gmu.edu/journal-vouchers/.
Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate - Register Today!
Join your colleagues and get a jump start on your professional development by registering today. The Mason Fiscal Administrator Certificate provides a closer look at Fiscal policies, procedures, and financial systems while introducing you to other Finance functions such as budget and forecasting. This ever-evolving program is the first step to becoming a professional in Fiscal Administration at Mason. To learn more and register for an upcoming session visit https://fiscal.gmu.edu/event/mason-fiscal-administration-certificate-mfac-program/.
Opportunities to Connect
Fiscal Services Walk-in hours
Wednesday Walk-In Support is designed for one-on-one virtual or in-person assistance with a particular question or topic and is not a substitute for Fiscal Training requirements.
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Training and Engagement
Check the Calendar for upcoming meetings and events!