Strategic Budgeting & Planning

Our Mission Statement

George Mason University’s Office of Strategic Budgeting & Planning is responsible for handling the preparation and continuous monitoring of the university’s annual operating and capital budgets, biennial State budget submission, and multi-year integrated financial plan. We are committed to excellent financial stewardship of the University’s resources in support of its strategic academic, research and outreach mission by optimizing the return on financial assets by establishing best practices in financial analysis, forecasting, budgeting, planning, policies and procedures and reporting systems.We want to partner with the University to fundamentally transform the way we work and engage with our university partners to promote a transparent, accountable and responsive financial management culture.

Strategic Budget and Planning Goals

  • To promote the sound deployment and management of Mason’s financial resources from an all-funds perspective, with the integration of a multi-year planning horizon and consideration of key operating and capital financial indicators into the budget planning processes.
  • To be recognized by university leaders, faculty, and staff as a responsive, service-oriented unit that helps each unit to achieve its goals by aligning its priorities with university strategic goals.
  • To engage, partner and collaborate with units to maximize revenue generation and to find efficiencies and cost savings.

Core Values

  • Operational Excellence: Responsive and financially transparent operations and activities;
  • Integrated Planning & Budgeting: Data-Driven decision-making supported by evidence-based Planning, with metrics for accountability;
  • Financial Sustainability: Development of best practices and innovations to maintain and enhance financial sustainability and fiscal health.

Strategic Objectives

  • To support the University’s vision and mission that simultaneously sustains established priorities with a dynamic and nimble response to strategic opportunities;
  • To ensure that all systems, policies and practices align to optimize resources in support of university priorities.

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