A recharge occurs when one university unit provides a good or service to or incurs a cost on behalf of another university unit and seeks to recover its costs.
Examples of this activity include campus-wide service providers such as Events Management, Police Security, and Human Resources (recruitment advertisements).
Developing Recharge Rates
A recharge rate is developed using projected accumulated costs (both labor and non-labor expenses) and usage. Please review the Service Center Guidance and the Recharge Rate Worksheet for additional information.
If federal funds will be charged, the University is required to establish a billing rate that is in compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance Part 200 Subpart E – Cost Principles, which stipulates that the federal government may not be charged more than any other user, including internal users.
Benefits of Recharge
Objectives for establishing a recharge include:
- Capturing all of the costs of the service being provided.
- Emphasizing accountability of the service provider.
- Creating an incentive for the service recipient to self-regulate its usage of the service.