Fiscal Services

Year End Deadlines

The FY24 year-end roll has been completed. The University is now in FY25.

2024 Fiscal Year (Archived)

2024 Fiscal Year-End (FY24)

Mason’s Fiscal Year ends on June 30, 2024. We encourage departments to begin planning purchases and/or payments to ensure that supplies, equipment, and services paid from Educational and General (E&G) funds are delivered and paid for by the university’s fiscal year-end. Further adhering to the deposit payment dates and Journal Voucher processing will ensure transactions are recorded in FY24.

Fiscal Year End Deadlines (FY24)

The cut-off dates below have been established so that sufficient time is available to complete relevant processes by June 30, 2024.

*Dates are subject to change*

Pay for Goods and Services:

Submit By Date

Description of Services

May 28, 2024

FY24 Payroll Reallocation due to Budget and OSP.

June 10, 2024

All Purchases (ordered, invoiced, and approved to pay).

June 10, 2024

Payment Requests, Honorarium Payments, and other AP Form submissions.

June 10, 2024

Wire Transfers (to be sent).

June 10, 2024

Mason Finance Gateway (MFG) – All reimbursement requests (Travel, Food/Bev, Foundation and other Business Expenses) fully approved in MFG by all parties.

June 17, 2024

P-Cardholder Sign Off – Transactions posted through June 15 (June Statement) must be allocated and signed off.

June 18, 2024

Journal Vouchers (electronic and paper), including Direct Expenditures on Non-Federal Sponsored Funds or Federal Sponsored Funds are due to OSP and General Accounting per established procedures.

June 21, 2024

P-Card Approver Sign Off – Transactions must be reviewed and signed off by the Approver by Noon.

June 28, 2024

All Deposits: Check and Wire Transfers submitted by 4:30 p.m.

June 29, 2024

Credit Card transactions through TouchNet Marketplace by 10:30 p.m.

*Dates are subject to change*

Purchasing and Accounts Payable

In order to pay for goods and/or services in FY24, the goods must have been delivered, all services must have been rendered, and the invoice(s) must be received in Accounts Payable ( by June 10, 2024.

Invoices cannot be paid prior to receipt of goods or services being rendered. The Purchasing Office has no authority to circumvent the Commonwealth of Virginia payment regulations. Every attempt will be made to process all requirements as they are submitted. 

Deadlines for Processing Cost Transfers (FY24)

The deadlines for cost transfers between federal or non-federal sponsored funds and non-sponsored organizations (i.e. E&G, F&A, and Pools) must be followed as outlined.

Principal Investigators (PIs) have the primary responsibility for the fiscal stewardship of sponsored funds. PIs, designees, and departmental grant administrators with direct knowledge of the sponsored project must review the fund activity on a regular basis to ensure errors or adjustments are identified in a timely manner and corrective actions are completed. 

The federal government recognizes that there are instances when it is appropriate to transfer expenditures to a federally sponsored project if there is sufficient justification and the transfer is completed in a timely manner. University Policy 4005 – Cost Transfer Policy, provides additional guidance on cost transfers for federal awards and the expectation is that all PIs and responsible departmental staff charge the correct sponsored project initially.

2023 Calendar Year-End (CY23)

The university will be closed for winter break starting December 16, 2023. Departments should be making appropriate arrangements for purchases and payments that must be completed before the end of the calendar Year (CY).

To ensure these are completed timely (including order, delivery, and/or payment), please adhere to the following guidelines: 

Order Goods and Services:

  • To order goods and/or services through eVA in CY23 (above $5k), requisitions must be submitted and fully approved through their departmental workflow no later than Wednesday, December 6, 2023*.

Pay for Goods and Services:

  • To pay for goods and/or services in CY23, the goods must have been delivered, all services must have been rendered, and the invoice(s) must be received by Accounts Payable ( no later than Monday, December 4, 2023*.

Fiscal Calendar Year-End Deadlines (CY23)

The cut-off dates below have been established so that sufficient time is available to complete the purchase, delivery, invoice submission, and payment processes by Friday, December 15, 2023. Invoices cannot be paid before receipt of goods or services being rendered.  Every attempt will be made to process all requirements as they are submitted.

*Dates are subject to change*

Submit By Date

Description of Services

December 4, 2023

Wire Transfer requests.

December 4, 2023

All invoice payments (ordered, invoiced, and approved to pay) where payment is required before January 5, 2024.

December 4, 2023

Payment Requests, Honorarium Payments, and other AP Form submissions.

December 6, 2023

Requests for the Vendor Maintenance Team to add a new vendor in eVA or Banner.

December 6, 2023

All eVA purchase requests over $5,000 (Purchases under 5k may be issued by units without a deadline).

December 8, 2023

Mason Finance Gateway (MFG) – All reimbursement requests (Travel, Food/Bev, and other Business Expenses) fully approved in MFG by all parties.

December 13, 2023

P-Card Maintenance workflow lifts for purchases through January 4, 2024.

*Dates are subject to change*

2023 Fiscal Year (Archived)

Mason’s Fiscal Year ends on June 30, 2023. To assist with your fiscal year-end planning the important transaction submission dates are listed in the table below. We encourage departments to begin planning purchases and/or payments to ensure that supplies, equipment, and services paid from Educational and General (E&G) funds are delivered and paid for by the university’s fiscal year-end.  Adhering to the deposit payment dates will ensure that deposits are credited to FY23.

In order to pay for goods and/or services in FY23 the goods must have been delivered, all services must have been rendered, and the invoice(s) must be received in Accounts Payable ( by June 9, 2023.  

Fiscal Year End Deadlines (FY23)

The cut-off dates below have been established so that sufficient time is available to complete the purchase, delivery, invoice submission and payment processes by June 30, 2023. Invoices cannot be paid prior to receipt of goods or services being rendered. The Purchasing Office has no authority to circumvent the Commonwealth of Virginia payment regulations. Every attempt will be made to process all requirements as they are submitted.
*Dates are subject to change*

Deadlines for Processing Cost Transfers (FY23)

The deadlines for cost transfers between federal or non-federal sponsored
funds and non-sponsored organizations (i.e. E&G, F&A, and Pools) must be followed as outlined.

Principal Investigators (PIs) have the
primary responsibility for the fiscal stewardship of sponsored funds. PIs, designees and departmental grant
administrators with direct knowledge of the sponsored project must review the fund activity on a regular basis to ensure
errors or adjustments are identified in a timely manner and corrective actions are completed. 

The federal government recognizes that there are instances when it is appropriate to transfer expenditures to a federally sponsored project if there is sufficient justification and the transfer is completed in a timely manner. University
Policy 4005 – Cost Transfer Policy, provides additional guidance on cost transfers for federal awards and the expectation that all PIs and responsible departmental staff charge the correct sponsored project initially.
