Fiscal Services

Food and Beverage Overview

As an Agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, George Mason University has a public obligation to ensure that all expenditures are necessary and reasonable and that they support the mission of the university. As such, state rules prohibit expenditures for employee personal expenses, including meals, snacks, entertainment, and refreshments. There are limited circumstances in which it is considered appropriate to provide food and beverages to personnel who are not in travel status. Food/Beverage may not be provided at regularly scheduled or routine meetings (i.e., monthly staff meeting, quarterly unit meeting) or as a way to boost morale or promote goodwill among employees. Alcohol and Flowers are prohibited. Participant Funded events, where the food/beverage costs are paid solely from participant fees (i.e., registration fee) are not subject to the policy.

For official business purposes there are three basic types of food purchases that occur at Mason
  1. Catering is the activity of providing food and drink for a group of people, typically with services such as setup, staffing, and cleanup included. Catering should be paid with a Mason P-Card (Food and Beverage lift required before purchase) or must be billed directly to the university through a Purchase Order. Mason does not create “House Accounts” and Catering expenses are not a reimbursable expense.
  2. Business meals are defined as a meal provided at a commercial dining establishment open to the general public, or at a university location as long as no service other than delivery/pickup is provided. A business meal may occur in travel or non-travel status.
  3. Supplies/Food and Drink is the purchase of food, drink and supplies that does not include any vendor-provided services.

Please Note: A listing of the names and organizational affiliations of each person in attendance is required for all events. If a listing is impractical to provide, a written explanation must be submitted. For example “Attendees/Affiliations list impractical – Student focused open event within per diem.”

Click here for the Food and Beverage Purchasing Procedures Guide

Per Diem Limits: All food and beverage purchases are limited to the per meal dollar maximum for the location (which includes applicable tax and tips – up to 20% – or for hotels, the negotiated service fee). Maximum amounts per person are limited to one-and-a-half times (x 1.5) the per diem meal allowances for travel. All rates are available on the GSA Per Diem webpage.

The rates listed below reflect the local area rates for Mason Campuses at the Maximum rate (GSA Basic x 1.5)

Washington Metro (Arlington/Fairfax)Prince William County (SciTech)
Front Royal (SMSC)
Loudoun County
Breakfast – $34.50Breakfast – $24.00Breakfast – $30.00
Lunch – $39.00Lunch – $28.50Lunch – $33.00
Dinner – $57.00Dinner – $42.00Dinner – $49.50

Meals while Traveling

As with lodging, the Commonwealth of Virginia utilizes per diem rates for domestic meals and incidental expenses that are governed by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The meals and incidental expenses (IE) breakdown for the 48 contiguous United States is available at

  • The meals and incidental per diem must correspond to the location specified for the overnight lodging. Please remember reimbursement claims for day trips are only eligible for ground transportation expenses, such as mileage, and are not otherwise eligible for reimbursements related to meals and incidental expenses.

If your Pre-Approval includes P-card purchases, or are otherwise not reimbursable, you must delete those line items from the Expense report. Local lodging has to be approved by the travel office in advance.

  • Meals, including taxes and tips
  • Transportation to where meals are taken
  • Personal telephone calls
  • Laundry expenses
  • Tips to baggage handlers

On travel departure and return days, travelers automatically receive 75% of the per diem meal allowance plus the $5 incidental allowance, regardless of the time of departure or return. The return day allowance is based on the rate at the location where the traveler spent the night prior to returning to the home base.

The daily per diem rate must be reduced for all "no-cost" meals the traveler receives.  “No-cost” meals are those included in event registration fees, provided by the hotel or paid for by someone other than the traveler. For example, a continental breakfast or reception is offered as part of the travel event and the food/timing is sufficient to serve as a meal, the traveler must deduct the per diem by the appropriate allowance amount. If a meal is offered as part of a conference and the traveler has medical restrictions, the traveler should make every effort to have the conference facilitate their need by the deadline specified by the conference. If the conference does not honor the request, the traveler is not required to deduct the applicable meal allowance for the per diem. However, the traveler must include a comment in the Mason Finance Gateway to document this information. The Per Diem Wizard embedded in the Mason Finance Gateway allows users to deduct meals and will automatically perform the calculation.

If a meal is offered as part of a conference and the traveler has medical restrictions, the traveler should make every effort to have the conference facilitate their need by the deadline specified by the conference.

If the conference does not honor the request, the traveler is not required to deduct the applicable meal allowance for the per diem. However, the traveler must include a note in the Description field of the Mason Finance Gateway indicating the restriction and unavailability of accommodation.

Generally, meal expenses must involve an overnight stay to qualify for reimbursement. An individual who is not in a travel status may be eligible for reimbursement if they are approved to provide a business meal. For additional information on Business Meals, please review the Food and Beverage Procedures.

Maximum rates are per person and include tax and tip. Local area maximums are located here: /food-beverage-overview/