General Accounting

General Accounting and Financial Reporting

We ensure the integrity of the university’s official financial records, produce the annual financial statements and file all tax returns. We facilitate state and local banking transactions and reconciliations while maintaining the general ledger and daily interfaces with the Commonwealth Accounting and Reporting System (CARDINAL)

We collaborate with the Office of Sponsored Programs to manage the federal Facilities and Administrative cost proposal and State indirect cost study. We work together with campus units to inventory equipment and maintain the fixed assets database.

Automated Business Processes

In order to facilitate requests a workflow may be used to automate business processes and electronically route the right information to the right people at the right time. Workflow users are notified of pending work, which helps information move through the review/approval process more quickly.

To learn more about the Equipment Surplus, Financial Aid Award, Honorarium Payments, Payment Request, Revenue Refund, Scholarship/Fellowship and many more workflow and business processes, please visit the Workflow page for the most up-to-date information.