The Supply Room Companies is the mandatory vendor for office supplies. Supplies routinely used in offices and classrooms at Mason are considered office supplies.
These items should be purchased only from the Supply Room Companies Mason PunchOut catalog in eVA.
Examples include:
- Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D and 9Volt used in office and classroom equipment).
- Binders and dividers.
- Calendars.
- Desk organizers and baskets.
- Envelopes and stationary.
- Erasers, correction fluid and correction tape.
- Folders such as file, pocket, hanging and portfolio.
- Index cards.
- Labels and label makers.
- Paper fasteners such as paper clips, binder clips, staples and staplers.
- Paper products such as post-it notes, pads of paper, legal pads and steno pads.
- Pencil sharpeners.
- Printer cartridges and toner.
- Tape and tape dispensers.
- Writing instruments such as chalk, markers, highlighters, pens and pencils.
To purchase an office supply item not stocked by The Supply Room Companies from a vendor other than The Supply Room Companies, except in an emergency situation, complete and submit the Office Supply Waiver to the Purchasing Office for review and approval.