Fiscal Services

Office Supplies

The Supply Room Companies is the mandatory vendor for office supplies. Supplies routinely used in offices and classrooms at Mason are considered office supplies.

These items should be purchased only from the Supply Room Companies Mason PunchOut catalog in eVA.

Examples include:

  • Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D and 9Volt used in office and classroom equipment).
  • Binders and dividers.
  • Calendars.
  • Desk organizers and baskets.
  • Envelopes and stationary.
  • Erasers, correction fluid and correction tape.
  • Folders such as file, pocket, hanging and portfolio.
  • Index cards.
  • Labels and label makers.
  • Paper fasteners such as paper clips, binder clips, staples and staplers.
  • Paper products such as post-it notes, pads of paper, legal pads and steno pads.
  • Pencil sharpeners.
  • Printer cartridges and toner.
  • Tape and tape dispensers.
  • Writing instruments such as chalk, markers, highlighters, pens and pencils.

To purchase an office supply item not stocked by The Supply Room Companies from a vendor other than The Supply Room Companies, except in an emergency situation, complete and submit the Office Supply Waiver to the Purchasing Office for review and approval.

Mason Stationary and Envelopes

Mason letterhead and envelopes may be ordered through Creative Services or Print Hub.  Generic stationary is available from the Supply Room PunchOut Catalog in eVA. Enter “GMU” in the Quick Search box and select Go to view available stationary and envelopes from the Supply Room PunchOut Catalog.

Mason Bookstore

The Mason Bookstore is authorized to accept the P-Card for departmental purchases of allowable items costing less than $5,000. The university encourages the use of this card whenever possible. Over the counter purchases made with a P-Card should be noted as “exempt” when performing the P-Card allocation in Bank of America Works.

T-Shirt Vendors

Departments must follow the ordering procedures outlined below for screen printing and related items.

Orders under $5,000: Screen Printing

  1. End users must select a vendor currently under contract
  2. Price must be at or below maximum agreed pricing
  3. End user must consolidate requirements and follow the procedures in section 2 below, when practical
  4. End user cannot select a vendor outside of the contract unless (a) The Department obtains a waiver from Purchasing (will not be considered solely on the basis of price) or (b) If the required items are not covered under the contract (e.g., embroidery, uniforms, promotional jackets,etc.)

Orders Above $5,000: Screen Priting

  1. End users must select two vendors under the contract to obtain bids. Lowest priced responsive, responsible bid receives the award
  2. End user must provide identical details of needs to both vendors via email
  3. End user should not solicit vendors outside of the contract unless (a) The Department obtains a waiver or (b) the items required are not covered under the contract (e.g. embroidery, uniforms, promotional jackets, etc.). Please note: Requirements that fall under (b) are subject to standard competitive requirements. See Purchasing Snapshot for full details.

To request a purchase from a non-contract vendor the T-Shirt Waiver form must be completed and sent to Purchasing for approval prior to any goods or services being rendered.

Mason has contracted the vendors below for T-Shirt screen printing and related items. Select a vendor to review pricing information.

Vendor Pricing
101 Commerce St.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
(866) 624-3694
John Lord
4Imprint Pricing
Club Colors
420 East State Pkwy.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
(800) 249 - 2582 ext 244
Alice P.
Club Colors Pricing
Athletic Union, LLC.
19248 Walnut Hills Rd.
Jeffersonton, VA 22724
(540) 937-3017
Nick Schrank
Athletic Union Pricing
Reston Shirt and Graphic Co.
241 Victory Dr.
Herndon, VA 20170
(703) 318-4802
James Joppich
Reston Shirts Pricing
Simar Enterprises, Inc.
405 Center Street
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 463-6721
Brandon Entsminger,m
Simar Enterprises Pricing
TK Promotions, Inc.
9609 Gayton Rd.
Richmond, VA 23238
(804) 740-8800
Sam Valentine
TK Promotions Pricing

Scientific Vendors

Mason has negotiated pricing on several contracts for scientific supplies. Please utilize the Scientific Vendor list for information on purchasing specific items from vendors.

Sit-Stand Desks

It is up to the department to decide if the ordering of sit-stand desks is permissible for department employees and may be based on several factors, including budget resources. There are several options available for the purchase of sit stand desks. A VCE waiver is not required to purchase a sit-stand desk.

The Supply Room (TSRC) has a variety of sit stand desks available at contract pricing. The TSRC Punch-Out Catalog homepage features a link to the available options. In order to access the Punch-Out Catalog link, you must be logged into eVA. After you login to eVA, go to “eMall/eForms.” Under the Search tab, select Catalog then use the drop down arrow to select PunchOut Catalogs and enter “The Supply Room” into the search field. Then click the Search button. You will see the vendor listed. Click on “(GMU) Office, Tech Supplies & Furniture” to enter the PunchOut catalog and submit your order.

Varidesk offers a 10% discount on their catalog of sit-stand desks. Contact or call 1800-207-2587. You must reference the NIPA Member #2512732 on all purchase orders and quote requests.

Amazon Business Account may be used to purchase a sit-stand desk.  If you do not have an Amazon Business Account through George Mason University please submit a request to Christopher Mullins.


Prior to purchasing any furniture, the department is required to contact Campus Planning for review and approval of the purchase. Campus Planning must assess furniture purchases to ensure adherence with University Design Standards, to ensure interchangeability, and to ensure orders are processed with VCE in order of urgency. Please email Debbie Brady at for review and approval of your furniture order prior to submitting an eVA requisition.

Department representatives must issue an eVA purchase order to Virginia Correctional Enterprises (VCE) for all furniture purchases. Departments may not purchase furniture from any other source. If furniture from a vendor other than VCE is required, a VCE Release Request, or waiver, must be submitted and approved prior to purchase. The approved VCE Release Request (Agency Number “247”) and an eVA order should be submitted to the Purchasing Department for all furniture purchases at any dollar amount, including those less than $2,000. Sit-Stand desk purchases do not require a waiver. Ordering information is available at /knowledge-base/sit-stand-desks/.

Consulting Services

Follow the outline below based on the total cost of service. Additional information on utilizing eVA procurement is available here. 

Academic or Research Consulting Services – less than $50,000

  1. Obtain a Proposal for Services from the consultant or contractor. Note: This statement of work should include a price quote and all expenses, including travel, if applicable.
  2. Complete the Cost/Price Analysis for Contracted Services and attach it to the eVA Requisition.
  3. Complete the Employee/Contractor Evaluation and attach it to the eVA Requisition. Note: This form is used only for individuals, not companies. If George Mason University has never paid this contractor or consultant before, the contractor or consultant must submit a Substitute W-9 form for tax purposes before the purchase order will be issued. Do not attach the W-9 Form to the Purchase Requisition.
  4. Complete an eVA Purchase Requisition for the total amount. If the consultant will be paid over an extended period of time, the entire amount the consultant is expected to receive should be entered as the total amount. For example: To pay a consultant $1,000 per month for one year, the total amount of the eVA Requisition should be $12,000. Expenditures of $2,000 or more from any fund beginning with a “2” require approval from the Office of Sponsored Programs.
  5. Submit the eVA Purchase Requisition and accompanying documentation for the purchase.

Academic or Research Consulting Services  – more than $50,000

  1. Obtain a Proposal for Services from the consultant or contractor. Note: This statement of work should include a price quote and all expenses, including travel, if applicable.
  2. Complete the Cost/Price Analysis for Contracted Services and attach it to the eVA Requisition.
  3. Complete the Employee/Contractor Evaluation and attach it to the eVA Requisition. Note: This form is used only for individuals, not companies. If George Mason University has never paid this contractor or consultant before, the contractor or consultant must submit a Substitute W-9 form for tax purposes before the purchase order will be issued. Do not attach the W-9 Form to the Purchase Requisition.
  4. If a particular consultant is the only one that can perform the services and competition is impracticable or unavailable, complete the Sole Source Procurement Approval Request formNote: A statement of work to include a written quote must accompany all sole source requests.
  5. Submit the eVA Purchase Requisition and accompanying documentation for the purchase.


Conference Registration

Individual conference registration fees are exempt from eVA processing. The P-Card should be used to purchase conference registration for the P-Cardholder and individuals within the unit. If the conference will not accept a P-Card payment the Payment Request form may be used to remit payment to the vendor. If there is a due date for an early registration discount, note this date on the Payment Request form on the Date Required line. Accounts Payable will expedite these payments to receive the discount. Please allow at least ten working days to process the payment.

Note: Before preparing a Payment Request form, determine if the conference will accept the P-Card. This will be the easiest way to pay the registration fee and the quickest way to obtain the discount.

Exceptions to Competitive Requirements

The purchase of conference fees, course fees, seminars, training sessions, tuition and other registration fees (for university employees) are exempt from competitive requirements if valued at less than $50,000. One quote must be obtained and documented. A purchase requisition should be submitted in eVA with the attached quote. The Purchasing Department will issue a purchase order prior to purchase.

Conference facilities and services are exempt from competitive requirements at any dollar amount. One quote must be obtained and documented.  A purchase requisition should be submitted in eVA with the attached quote. The Purchasing Department will issue a purchase order prior to purchase.


Computer Equipment and Software

All computer equipment and software, except for Site Licensed Software, should be procured in accordance with the Purchasing Snapshot guidelines.

Please refer to the Computer Purchase Guide for purchasing instructions and vendor contacts.

Site Licensed Software

Departments intending to purchase site licensed software should forward their requests to ITS, MSN 1B5. Manuals for Site Licensed Software are not part of the package and requests for these manuals should be forwarded to Purchasing.

Additional information related to equipment purchases may be found at Equipment Manual.