Fiscal Services

Holiday and Inclement Weather Guidance

The George Mason University Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure Policy can be found here: Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure, University Policy Number 2207

Select an item below for guidance related to holidays, inclement weather and University closures:

Guidance for Classified Employees

To view how hours and pay work on a holiday, read the respective documents.

In addition, please note the early submission and approval deadlines for timesheets for the following pay periods.  

Pay Period  Check Date  Timesheet Submission Deadline  Approval Deadline 
SM23 (ending December 9, 2024)   

December 16, 2024 


December 6, 2024 


December 9, 2024 

BW26 (ending December 14, 2024)   

December 20, 2024 


December 10, 2024 


December 11, 2024 

SM24 (ending December 24, 2024)   

December 31, 2024 


December 13, 2024 


December 16, 2024 

BW01 (ending December 28, 2024)   

January 3, 2025 


December 17, 2024 


December 18, 2024 

Thank you in advance for meeting these early timesheet deadlines as it's crucial for ensuring the overall efficiency and accuracy of payroll processing. 

  • For how many hours you receive as an employee, view page 1.
  • For how holiday pay works with an alternate work schedule, view pages 2 and 3.

Wage and Student-Wage Employees

Wage employees are not eligible for holiday pay.

University Policy 2207 and HR’s Flexible Work FAQs outline requirements for teleworking during inclement weather and emergency closures.   


General Teleworking Requirements: 

Employees are expected to continue their work responsibilities remotely, regardless of scheduled telework days or agreements. 


Non-designated employees with an approved telework agreement must telework during university closures and are not eligible for compensatory leave. If a non-designated employee has no telework agreement and has the necessary tools at the home location to meet system security standards for telework, they are expected to telework. 


Leave Usage for Non-Compliance: 

Employees are encouraged to work directly with their supervisors to take unscheduled personal leave if they are unable to fulfill job responsibilities and meet business unit needs during the university closure.    

Power and Internet Outages: 

Non-exempt employees who are unable to work due to power and/ or internet outages at their location must submit University Leave for the hours missed. 


Salaried Employees: 

Salaried employees are compensated during closures and do not need to report leave on their timesheets. 


Non-Exempt Employees: 

Non-exempt employees scheduled to work on campus but unable to telework due to their job responsibilities should enter University Leave in their timesheets during emergency closings. 


Wage Employees: 

Wage employees are not paid unless they work during the closure. 


Classified Designated Employees: 

Designated employees are granted compensatory leave for hours worked onsite during authorized closures, up to their normal work shift duration. If designated employees are unable to report to work, they may request unscheduled leave for the entire scheduled workday. 


If you are a 24/7 operation such as Mason Police, Facilities, and Housing & Residence Life, please talk with your supervisor/timekeeper about how your time will be handled.