Do Business with Mason

Thank you for your interest in doing business with George Mason University. We are always excited to strengthen our vendor pool and look forward to future opportunities that might exist between us.

Vendors (including individual people) are required to have an active vendor profile (G#) in Banner before receiving a purchase order or submitting an invoice.

To get started, vendors must register with George Mason through the Vendor Registration & Maintenance Portal.

Vendors need to complete the appropriate tax form electronically and submit it via the Vendor Registration & Maintenance Portal. The tax forms may include, but are not limited to:

Please be sure the registration document is signed by the Vendor before it is submitted – Only DocuSign, handwritten, or a certified electronic PDF signature will be accepted.

Only forms filled out by the vendors themselves will be accepted. This registration process will NOT be accepted via email.

Tax form quick tip: When selecting “Entity Type”, if “Corporation” or “Limited Liability Company” are selected, please be sure to check ALL sub-category boxes that apply (i.e. S-Corporation, C-Corporation, Partnership or Corporation).

Existing Vendors must also use the Vendor Portal to submit any necessary tax forms, information, and documentation when requesting updates or changes to their George Mason vendor profile (e.g. address). 

eVA Registration: Vendors MUST register with the state procurement system, eVA Procurement Portal, which provides vendors with access to many services and tools including automated placement on bidders list and email/fax notifications for business opportunities with Virginia State Agencies, Colleges and Universities, as well as many Local Governments. 

SWaM Vendors: When self-register with eVA, Virginia’s procurement portal, vendors have the opportunity to participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s SWaM program, if applicable. Check out the Virginia The Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity to find out more!

Vendor Payments: Mason encourages all contractors or those operating in a business capacity to enroll in one of its electronic payment options in order to receive payment. To enroll and expedite payment please visit Electronic Disbursement

To ensure prompt and accurate payment vendors should send invoices directly to for processing.

Invoices may also be mailed to:
George Mason University
4400 University Drive MS 3C1
Fairfax, VA 22030

Goods or services must have been received AND the invoice (printed on company letterhead) must list:

  1. The purchase order number (starts with "PO" or "EP")
  2. Bill to “George Mason University”.
  3. The vendor supplies the invoice number
  4. The date of service and/or shipment
  5. Total amount billed
  6. Vendor remittance address
  • If purchase orders are $5,000 or less and items have been received or services have been performed, the order initiator may log in to eVA and complete the electronic receiving process. Completing this step will ensure that the payment process begins and the vendor will be paid timely.
  • If purchase orders are more than $5,000, Accounts Payable staff will email a request that the department/unit representative approve the invoice for payment.
  • Note: Invoices should not be mailed directly to ordering departments.