Fiscal Services

Search for an Existing Contract

State, VASCUPP, or VHEPC contracts should be used when possible to reduce procurement lead time and ensure favorable pricing. Always reference the contract number when contacting a vendor for a quote. Please contact with any questions. Users may refer to the Contract Quick Guide for additional assistance.

The Virginia Association of State Colleges and University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP) identify cooperative pronouncement and cost savings for higher educations institutions in Virginia. VASCUPP contracts may be utilized when a Mason and/or State contract does not meet the business needs of the unit.

When searching for a VASCUPP Contract select the “Category” and then click Search to display all applicable contracts. Units must reference the VASCUPP contract number when requesting a quote for the vendor.

To locate a VASCUPP Contracts

  1. Go to Virginia Association of State Colleges and University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP) contracts.
  2. Under the category dropdown, select the type of contract desired.
  3. Select Search.
  4. The list of VASCUPP contracts for that category will be displayed.

The Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium (VHEPC) seeks to identify opportunities, leverage vendors, and recommend courses of action in order to further the strategic sourcing initiatives of the schools which we support.

Mason Existing Contracts

Mason Contracts Portal (

If you would like to view all contracts available without searching, simply click the “Search Records” button without choosing any filters.