Fiscal Services

Understand the Procurement Methods

Individuals with organizational responsibility may purchase goods and services using several procurement methods:

  • Virginia’s electronic ordering system (eVA). Use eVA to initiate purchases. These purchases may be charged to the Purchasing Charge Card (in eVA) or billed to the University (purchase order) and paid by invoice through Accounts Payable. For items that are exempt from eVA and/or eVA fees, please review the eVA Exemption Guide.
  • The Purchasing Charge Card (P-Card). Use the P-card for purchases of $5,000 or less.
  • The Payment Request Form – Use the Payment Request System for certain payments and reimbursements.

Click here to review the Purchasing Snapshot (Purchasing Guidelines). Additional information is available by clicking the links below.

Sole source procurement is made when there is only one source practicably available for the goods or services required; therefore, competition is not available.  

Sole Source Purchases 

In some instances, it may be necessary to conduct a market analysis to determine if a similar product or service exists.  

All Sole source procurements are reviewed by the Chief Procurement Officer or his delegate. The sole source must be supported with factual data that there is only one source practicably available. Sole Source Procurements may not be made as a matter of general preference for one specific source. All sole source procurements must be marked with PO Category S01 on the eVA requisition.  

Sole Source Procedure 

  1. The subject matter expert in the department must complete a Sole Source Procurement Approval Request. 
  2. The Sole Source Procurement Approval Request should be attached to an eVA requisition (REQ) with the appropriate supporting documentation for the purchase.
  3. The Purchasing Department (specifically the buyer assigned the REQ) will negotiate a contract that is in the best interest of George Mason University and the Commonwealth of Virginia. 
  4. The price must be determined to be fair and reasonable if competition is not available. 
  5. When negotiating price, consideration should be given to obtaining such items: 
    • Best price that can be offered to an educational customer.  
    • Extended warranty. 
    • Additional training. 
    • Discounts. 
    • Delivery, etc. 

Grant Sole Sources 

  1. If the vendor is explicitly named in the grant proposal or budget submitted with the grant proposal that was approved by the sponsoring agency, no Sole Source Procurement Approval Request is required. A copy of the page or budget document from the grant proposal denoting the vendor specified must be attached to the eVA REQ. 
  2. The sole presentation of an excel sheet showing the vendor’s name and budget by department is not sufficient to establish approval by the sponsor. 

In the case of an emergency, a contract may be awarded by the Purchasing Department without competitive soliciting or competitive negotiation; however, such procurement shall be made with as much competition as is practicable under the circumstances. 

Required Process 

  1. For emergency purchase required to protect life or property, the unit head or their designee should be directed to finding a source and directing the contractor to proceed. 
  2. Once the emergency situation has been stabilized, the departmental representative requesting the purchase must submit a written determination establishing the basis for the emergency. 
  3. The Purchasing Department shall prepare a confirming contract or purchase order, as soon as practicable, detailing any agreements, including price. 

Please refer to the Computer Purchase Guidefor purchasing instructions and vendor contacts. For information on Computer Equipment purchases, including a list of ITS-Approved Computer Hardware Standards for Faculty & Staff, please visit 

ASRB Requirements: Prior to purchasing software or hardware that will impact data management, storage, dissemination, security, involve controlled unclassified, protected, or sensitive data, or impact user experience, and in order to comply with Mason’s procurement policy, the ASRB process should be initiated via a TeamDynamix request. You can go to the ASRB webpage for further information around these requirements here: 

Once your ASRB request has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with an assigned ticket number. The ticket number is used to identify your request across all review groups and organizations. Please note that significant architectural changes to software, such as moving the software to a cloud-based solution may require ASRB review. For questions or concerns, please contact the ASRB via email at 

Please note that for any new software/system purchases or any other purchases that may qualify for an ASRB review, Purchasing will not complete your purchase request or issue a Purchase Order to a vendor until an ASRB review has been completed and your system/software has been approved for use. Purchasing does not have the authority or ability to waive or bypass this requirement. Departments are responsible for ensuring that their purchases meet all of these requirements prior to purchase. 

To best communicate requirements, departments should submit accurate and complete information on the eVA REQ. The following information is necessary to process purchase requests: 

  1. A quote, estimate, proposal, or contract that includes a description of the goods or services to be procured.  
  2. Specific delivery requirements, the required completion date, or period of performance. 
  3. Fund, Org, or Cost Center code to be charged. An Account code is required on every REQ. 
  4. Suggested vendor selected on the eVA REQ. 
  5. Estimated total purchase cost. 
  6. Special delivery location instructions. 


When buyers from the Purchasing Office have questions about a requisition, they will routinely contact the eVA Requestor. If buyers should contact another faculty or staff member regarding order specifics, that contact information with name and both telephone number and email address should be provided in the “Internal Comments” area of the eVA REQ.