Fiscal Services

Use Payment Request


There are limited circumstances in which a personal payment (cash, credit/debit card) is the appropriate method to conduct university business. Most purchases must be made through eVA and/or with a Mason P-Card. Mason employees and students may occasionally incur non-regular or emergency expenses while conducting official university business. Please follow the guidelines for Reimbursing Employees to learn more about eligible reimbursements and utilizing the Mason Finance Gateway. 

The Payment Request Workflow has been designed to facilitate and expedite requests for payment by departments in the situations listed below, and to eliminate the use of an eVA order for these types of transactions. 

Required Pre-Approval – Email your request and provide relevant information to the Purchasing mailbox at Once approved, attach the approval to the Payment Request Workflow.

When is it appropriate to use the Payment Request Workflow?

If the P-Card is not accepted by the vendor and you are requesting payment for one of the following items:

  • Conference registration fees paid directly to the vendor.
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security or U.S. Postal Service.
  • Other: limited to non-routine transactions such as bank fees and transfers between state funds/orgs and local funds/orgs (requires pre-approval of the Purchasing staff.)

To submit the Payment Request Form, please visit the Fiscal Services Workflow Page, and select “Payment Request Form” from the options provided.