Fiscal Services

Pay for Travel

Some travel expenses may be paid, prior to travel, by Mason (eVA or P-Card). Other allowable travel expenses are paid out of pocket (personal) by the traveler and may be reimbursed after the trip with Unit approval and budget considerations. Unallowable expenses will not be reimbursed. Grants and Contracts: Travel conducted in support of grants and contracts sponsored by outside agencies may specifically provide different reimbursement policies or rates. Review the award document for any restrictions related to travel. Contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) for grant related travel questions.

Travelers are required to obtain original receipts for all expenses except for: meals, transportation expenses under $75 and incidental expenses reimbursed on a per diem basis. Receipts must be uploaded and attached to the corresponding travel document in order to be reimbursed to the traveler. Original documentation/receipts should be retained by the traveler until after reimbursement has been received. The Travel Office may request original receipts if the uploaded document is illegible. For additional information please see the Submit Receipts Guide
You must be logged in using your Mason Single Sign-On (SSO) to view the following table, Pay for Travel Guide

Please note that Mason Finance Gateway is currently used for reimbursements only. If your Pre-Approval includes P-card purchases, or are otherwise not reimbursable, you must delete those line items from the Expense report.

Occasionally an employee may take a trip that includes both personal and business travel, or the trip may originate/culminate at a location, other than the base location, due to personal reasons. When personal and business travel is combined, the traveler may only be reimbursed for expenses equal to or less than the cost incurred if originating/culminating at the traveler’s base location (excluding personal travel). In addition, when the cost of the additional personal travel exceeds the business travel expense, travelers may not use any form of Mason payment (Mason P-Card or Travel Agency billing). For Travel expenses that are related to personal travel that may coincide with a business trip, please review the Personal Travel with Business Travel Guide.

Travel Charge Card

Full-time classified staff and faculty traveling two or more times per fiscal year are authorized to obtain a Travel Charge Card. This is an individual liability card and each cardholder is responsible for payment of charges made on this card. The traveler will only be reimbursed after the trip, regardless of how far in advance the airline tickets are purchased.

The Travel Card may be used to pay for all business travel expenses including:

  • Airfare or Train tickets (including baggage fees)
  • Rental car gas, parking and tolls
  • Shuttle, taxi or other reasonable transportation expense
  • Means and incidentals (reimbursable up to Per Diem rate)
  • Lodging
  • Registration/Conference fees

The traveler/cardholder must attach required receipts to the Travel Reimbursement on the Mason Finance Gateway and receive the appropriate electronic approvals before receiving the reimbursement. Direct deposit for reimbursement is highly encouraged. Mason will not reimburse the cardholder for late fees, interest, or other associated card charges.

Apply for Travel Card

To apply for the Travel Card, please complete the Travel Card Application. The Travel Office will review the form and notify the requester once approved or denied. The Travel card will be mailed to the employee’s home address.

Travel Advance for Group & International Travel

Mason employees traveling on university business for group travel or to international destinations, as described below, may request a travel advance. The advance may be used to pay out-of-pocket travel expenses that are un-allowable on a Mason P-card or are unable to be directly billed to Accounts Payable. The incurred expense(s) must be considered reimbursable under the Travel, Meals, and Entertainment Policy. Click below to access a user guide.

Mason does not issue travel advances for individual domestic travel. Instead, individuals traveling two or more times per year may apply for a Travel Charge Card. This is a personal liability card and cardholders are responsible for payment of monthly statements. Travel expenses charged to the Travel Charge Card will not be reimbursed until after the trip has taken place.

Travel Charging Sponsored Project Funding

The dollar limitations on lodging, meals and incidental expenses in conjunction with an overnight trip, and transportation also apply to travel conducted in support of grants and contracts sponsored by outside agencies unless the underlying grant or contract specifically provides different reimbursement policies or rates.
Authorizations and vouchers applying this exception must contain a statement to this effect signed by the Principal Investigator and the Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs. Principal Investigators (PIs) and unit administrators should review award budgets and travel restrictions to ensure travel costs charged to sponsored funding are allowable.

Traveling on Federal Funds

Additionally, when federal funds are used, provisions of the Fly America Act are applicable and foreign travel is restricted to a U.S. air carrier unless extenuating circumstances apply and are approved in advance by the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Exceptions may be made when using a U.S. air carrier rather than a foreign carrier would:
  1. Increase the number of aircraft changes made in route by two or more,
  2. Extend the travel time by six hours or more, or
  3. Require a connecting time of four hours or more at an overseas interchange point.

Cost is Not an Exception

Cost is not considered a reason for exception under this federal regulation, and travelers will not be reimbursed for any transportation cost when there is improper use of a foreign air carrier.

Travelers are required to indicate the name of the air carrier for international travel when federal funds are charged.

For Additional Questions

Questions regarding travel to be charged to sponsored projects should be directed to the Office of Sponsored Programs at ext. 3-4806.