Marketplace Newsletter

Written Refund Procedures

All Marketplace uStores and uPay sites are required to have written Refund Procedures established in the event of an audit.  Fiscal Services provides guidance to departments on what must be included in their Refund Procedures in the Marketplace Refund Procedures.

The most important component to your procedures requires that two individuals be involved in the refund process.  One individual to review and approve the refund and another individual with access to the Marketplace uStore/uPay site in the role of Fulfiller with Cancel/Refund Rights/Payment Clerk that can process the refund. 

TouchNet stores refund activity within the transaction history which can be used as part of the department documentation for the refund.  Departments will need to establish/keep approval related documentation (email, electronic signature sign-off, etc.).  Refund documentation needs to be kept for a period of three years.