
Fiscal Support and Connections Network

Join us at our next meeting: July 20, 2021 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Meeting Information:
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only): +1 571-397-2084,,506407423#
Phone Conference ID: 506 407 423#
1. Happy New [FY 2022] Year!
2. Return to Campus - Fiscal Guidance
3. Chart of Accounts redesign update
4. Revisit past topics of discussion
5. Open discussion

Fiscal Announcements and Reminders

Return to Campus – COVID Fiscal Guidance

Please review the updated Fiscal guidance for COVID Safety Supplies, Business Travel, Office Supplies, and Contractor Expectations at https://fiscal.gmu.edu/coronavirus-covid-19/ in preparation for a full campus reopening. Additional information may be found on Mason’s Safe Return to Campus webpage.

Furniture Procedure Updates

Beginning July 1, 2021, the furniture purchasing procedures will be modified to allow more flexibility for units. Furniture purchases of $1,000 or less may continue to utilize the Virginia Correctional Enterprises (VCE), select a micro-SWaM or SWaM vendor from the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity, select a furniture vendor under an existing contract, or make a one-time purchase from a non-contract vendor if the previous options are not available. A VCE waiver is no longer required. Furniture purchases of more than $1,000 will continue to be coordinated through Campus Planning.

Foreign Gift and Contracts

U.S. colleges and universities are required to publicly report foreign gifts and contracts to the U.S. Department of Education twice each calendar year. Mason Reporting Units should assess and if necessary, strengthen their processes for complying with these reporting requirements. For additional information on reporting deadlines, data collection, and the reporting process please visit the Foreign Gifts and Contracts webpage.

Transition to Cashless Campus Update

As a reminder, the Cashier’s Office will remain closed to walk-in customers and will only accept deposits containing currency by appointment for limited purposes. Departments should contact (Bill Cunningham at wcunnin2@gmu.edu) in advance of any currency collection for guidance related to deposit procedures. Deposits of checks may be placed in the dropbox in SUB 1 outside of room 1501. We are exploring additional payment options that will enable Mason to minimize payment handling on campus and will provide periodic updates. Current alternatives to currency collection and department check collection guidance is available at https://fiscal.gmu.edu/cashless-campus-initiative/.

Opportunities to Connect

Join the FSCN - MS Team!
Click here: FSCN Team-GRP.

Fiscal Administrative Training Sessions

Fiscal Home Page Hero Image 1
Register for all training opportunities in MasonLEAPS.gmu.edu. The Virtual meeting information will be sent to all registrants one-two business days prior to training.

Fiscal Virtual Walk-ins

Fiscal Home Page Hero Image 2
Wednesday Walk-Ins 1:30 - 3:30. Click, here to SCHEDULE ONLINE, NOW!!

Check the Calendar for upcoming meetings and events!
