Fiscal Services

Pay Invoices

Accounts Payable processes payments for all purchases of goods and services at the university. State rules require payments to be made within 30 days of receiving the goods/services or invoice, whichever is later (CAPP Manual Topic 20315, Section 20300). Departments are responsible for forwarding all documents required for payment to Accounts Payable in a timely manner. Vendors should always send invoices directly to Accounts Payable technicians are assigned alphabetical groups to process payments.

For information regarding Vendor G# creation, Banner Updates, and Invoice Submission, please review the “Do Business with Mason” page.

The Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP) Manual dictates that all expenditures of State funds be considered essential to the operation of the University. Under the general rule set forth in Section 2.2-1822 of the Code of Virginia, the Department of Accounts may question any State-funded expenditure. As a result, all State-funded expenditures (including grants and contracts) are subject to public scrutiny. Any Mason employee authorizing a purchase should not only determine that the benefit to the university justifies the use of State funds, but should consider the appearance of unusual purchases on the university and on State government in general.

George Mason University’s Purchasing Department has developed detailed guidance in the Mason Purchasing Made Easy Manual. Since individual circumstances vary widely, adequate documentation for unusual purchases should always be included.

To create a G number or update a vendor address, please submit the Vendor Registration/Maintenance form. To check if a vendor already exists in Banner, you may look up the vendor name by using the following application, Banner Vendor G Number Lookup.

To ensure prompt and accurate payment vendors should send invoices directly to for processing.

Invoices may also be mailed to:
George Mason University
4400 University Drive MS 3C1
Fairfax, VA 22030

Goods or services must have been received AND the invoice (printed on company letterhead) must list:

  1. The purchase order number (starts with “PO” or “EP”)
  2. Bill to “George Mason University”.
  3. The vendor supplies the invoice number
  4. The date of service and/or shipment
  5. Total amount billed
  6. Vendor remittance address

Sample Invoice

  • If purchase orders are $5,000 or less and items have been received or services have been performed, the order initiator may log in to eVA and complete the electronic receiving process. Completing this step will ensure that the payment process begins and the vendor will be paid timely.
  • If purchase orders are more than $5,000, Accounts Payable staff will email a request that the department/unit representative approve the invoice for payment.
  • Note: Invoices should not be mailed directly to ordering departments.

Accounts Payable maintains a shared drive with paid Invoices in PDF format.  To review completed invoice payments for reconciliation purposes, individuals may be granted access to the shared file (fsvc.invoices). Please email if you require access to the shared invoice file. Users may search the shared file by Banner Invoice number (I number) to locate the correct vendor invoice and payment details.

The university has adopted three electronic methods of issuing payment to vendors and suppliers. The electronic methods replace the traditional paper check process and will provide the vendor with quicker access to payments for goods and services. Additional information is available at Electronic Disbursements.

  1. Complete the Stop Payment Authorization form.
  2. If the check has been cashed, Accounts Payable notifies the unit and provides a copy of the endorsed check if required.
  3. If the check has not been cashed, the Department must submit a Stop Payment Authorization form to Accounts Payable or the vendor must contact Accounts Payable directly. Only after receiving the Stop Payment form is Accounts Payable able to request the original check be cancelled and then reissue the payment.

To confirm that a check has been issued, employees and vendors may access the Payment Inquiry PortalClick on Mason Vendor or Employee/Student (depending on payment type) and enter the required information.

Mason employees may also access Banner Finance Self Service to verify the check payment status in Banner. Select the Financial Information Tab, click on View Document, and then enter the Banner Invoice number (I number).

For Questions: