Fiscal Services

Can I Purchase…?

All purchases must be essential to the mission, vision, and operations of the University. Every purchase should be carefully assessed prior to the purchase to ensure that it is reasonable and economical. All faculty and staff must comply with comprehensive financial requirements that have been set forth by the State and University. The Virginia Department of Accounts has the authority to question any State-funded expenditure

This list is intended to provide a basic guide for University allowable/unallowable purchases. Purchase circumstances will vary widely, thus adequate documentation should always be available for review. This list is not all-inclusive and will not provide insight into all aspects of a particular purchase. Please, ensure that you are carefully reviewing the Manuals and Training Material for additional information related to purchasing at Mason, in addition to the Mandatory and Specialize Purchasing list, and the commonly used Existing Contracts list. Please review the Purchasing website for more information and additional resources.